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Dr. Karen Schulze-Bergmann


Karen assigns expert and executive positions in the following sectors: technical industry sector, chemical/pharmaceutical industry, food industry,
Medical technology in the area of health and general service providers.

She studied food chemistry and was awarded a doctorate in the area of genetic engineering by the University of Hamburg.

Her professional experience started with an executive position in R&D at Reemtsma Cigarettenfabriken GmbH.

Following this, Karen spent 15 years at the SGS S.A., an international service provider.

With SGS, she was responsible for the areas of agricultural products and food industry as well as quality management consulting for the food industry.

Karen then spent nine years as managing director of a subsidiary within the corporate group, a certification company for management systems.

Karen was responsible for the area of industry examination services with a particular focus on used machines and equipment, project management in the area of construction and industrial examination of the goods, imports from Russia and Iran. Apart from that Karen worked for the area of government contracts with developing countries.

Since 2003, Karen is active in Executive Search and lives in Hamburg.

Contact: sb@gaconsult.de

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